I saw thee weep拜伦
I saw thee weep
the big bright tear
Came over that eye of blue
and then methought it did appeat(像一朵梦中出现的紫罗兰)
A violet dropping dew
I saw thee smile
the sapphire's blaze
Beside thee' ceased to shine
It could not match the living rays(它怎能比的上在你凝视的眼神中)
That filld' that glance of thine(闪现的灵活光彩)
As clouds from youder sun receive(就如同夕阳为远方的云朵)
A deep and mellow dye
which scarce the shade of coming eve(缓缓而来的暮色也不能)
Can banish from the sky
Those smiles unto the moodiest mind(你的笑容让沉闷的心灵)
Their own pure joy impart
Their sunshine leaves a glow behind(这阳光留下的一道光芒)
That lightens over the heart
(照亮了心灵上空) 翻译过.有时会变味 原帖由 .‖賠妳淫蕩〃 于 2007-7-3 14:00 发表 http://bbs.huians.com/images/common/back.gif
同意 原帖由 .‖賠妳淫蕩〃 于 2007-7-3 14:00 发表 http://bbs.huians.com/images/common/back.gif
不翻译你懂吗 懂滴啊
毕竟我是英语专业的嘛``` 那是你翻译的??.
说不定不准.. 哈` 广海的学生不可能这么有水平.
能翻译成这样 不是啊
我是说英文我看得懂 这是我看电视听到的,很好吧!!!!!!!!! 谁能唱下!?