以下是引用⒈直扼弥在2006-6-4 10:30:00的发言: [em06]本来就不懂英语,还找老外扼,, The key point is not that you have no English but you have no interest and confidence. We are always afraid of making mistakes when we open our mouths.And then we lose our confidence. Just like a baby,if he can't speak out,how can he keep on learning? The result is he doesn't like language any more,of course he has no language. if you have no interest in English,you should find a way to improve your interest and confidence. There's no one but a good foreign English teacher who has enough patience to teach you how to express yourself in English fluently and correctly because English is his/her mother language.It's so easy for him/her to do it. He/she can try their best to make English more interesting and easier.Ask the students who have talked with foreigne English teachers, let's listen to their opinions. 关键的问题并不在于你不懂英语,而是你对英语没有兴趣和自信心.当我们开口说英语的时候,我们总是害怕犯错误,然后我们就失去信心.就像一位学说话的小孩子,如果他不敢开口,他会继续想学吗?结果是他不再喜欢说话,当然也是不懂得说. 如果你对英语没有兴趣,那么你应该寻找一种途径来提高你的兴趣和自信心.好的外籍英语老师有足够的耐心来教你如何准确,流利地表达.因为英语是他们的母语,这种事情对他们来说是小菜一碟.他们会使英语变得很简单,很有趣.如果有上过老外的英语课的同学,请你们来谈谈!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-4 13:21:02编辑过]