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NOTICE: 1.There is a new area called “Truth English Club” on our website.A foreign English teacher would like to help students study and improve their English. Each week“ Truth English Club” has an English song appreciation and general discussion weekly. We hope that more and more students will come to Truth English Club and receive help. We hope that students will discuss anything concerning English. 2.The foreign English teacher will talk with students in English. So please ask us to translate into Chinese if necessary. Truth English Club hopes all students will improve their English! ============================================================= 公告: 1.本周起惠安学生网社区新增加“土著英语俱乐部”讨论区,有外籍老师为同学提供英语辅导和疑难解答。本版块的主题是每周一歌和每周论坛,欢迎同学踊跃提问,踊跃回帖!同时希望各位同学不要在这个版块发表与英语无关的话题, 2.我们外籍老师用英语对同学进行辅导,如果有需要翻译成中文的请提出要求。 祝各位同学能讲出原汁原味的“土著”英语!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-5 22:10:07编辑过]